Sending Email Blasts

Sending Email Blasts



What is this?
Why is it Important?
Email "blasts" or Mass Emailing is another powerful feature that enables you to communicate with all or a subset (e.g. list view) of your patients, leads or doctors. You can send up to 1,000 every 24 hours, and even schedule them ahead of time.Mass emailing is convenient, saves time, and can help you do things like communicate with all (or a selected subset) of your patients for any reason. You can also track their responses - whether they viewed, opened or clicked on any of the embedded links or buttons.


1 - Go to Patients and Select "...", Choose Mass Email.

2 - In Mass email screen, select "+Create Mass Email"

3 - In the "To", you can select any VIEW of Patients to send to. See how to create a VIEW here. This is a filter so you only send to those you want to.

4 - Select an email TEMPLATE to use. These must be created beforehand.

5 - Select from whom the email will be sent and when (immediately or schedule)

6 - Set up follow-up Trigger Actions (optional)

Additional Documentation from Zoho

Video Demonstration