Searching for Records

Searching for Records



What is this?
Why is it Important?
Finding a patient, document, email, or any kind of information is a daily occurrence. CareTrax provides several ways to quickly locate the information you need to find.
Time savings, efficiency and ease of finding records you need reduces headaches and helps to keep all data in the system (e.g. not on outside notepads or spreadsheets).


1 Search Bar by information and by Alphabet and by criteria with quick lookup and ccross modules on the Search Page

  • Search for records by Information - Filters out specific record(s) from all modules or from a particular module by entering the information in the search box in the upper right hand corner of your screen. Note that this is a Global Search and in English.
  • Search for records by Criteria using Advanced Filters on the search page - Hit enter in your quick search to bring up search page and then find information sorted by module.  This filters out 
    records based on the search criteria. 
    You can either specify your own search criteria or select a search criteria. Limit your search by selecting criteria.  Go to the upper left of your screen to the black icon magnifying glass.  
    Refine your advanced searching by selecting desired criteria. 

  • To close the search page, close the page by the X in the upper right corner.

q2  Search from within a module 
Go to the Module where you want to search by selecting from the tabs on the upper bar of your screen. so You can select those modules where the search should be carried out.  In the drop down menu choose desired criteria by selecting specific fields to search. 
  • Search for records by Alphabets - Filters out records within a module by clicking the alphabet links on the top right corner in a module. This would take you directly to the matching records that start with the selected alphabet.  As you type it will auto-populate a quick search by module and select which information is relevant

3  Recent Items Search
Go to the lower right corner of your screen and choose the small icon that looks like a magnifying glass on the far right, "recent items". This will pull up recent items to search. 

Video Demonstration

Searching for Records