Charging Patients

Charging Patients



What is this?
Why is it Important?
CareTrax comes with a fully functioning Books accounting application. This will allow you to charge patients - for any payment type (Cash, Check, Credit Card) and provide a paid invoice (Receipt), with either a print-out or an email. However, Caretrax is not a retail "Point of Sale" (POS) system. It has the ability to integrate with PayPal Here and Square readers, but this functionality is still in development as of April 2019.The health of the practice is directly linked to its ability to collect payments (in any form) from patients. 


1 Create and Invoice 
Go to module and select patient's record.  On left column, choose "Zoho Finance" and then select "New Invoice".  Most fields do not need modification.  In the middle of the page find the dropdown box to "choose item".  Select the service or item from the dropdown list.  There is no tax if it is a service.  The check the box to send email to patient and hit blue "save" button.  
2  Record a Payment 
First you will want to open Zoho Books in another window.  You will see your new invoice listed.  "record payment" button at top right of your screen.  The dropdown menu gives you the options to take cash, charge a card or savings account or save to undeposited funds account.  To charge a card, you will need to set it up in your settings.  Click the small gear icon at the top right of your screen and choose paypal or square.   Once it is setup, the record payment will show as a blue button.  Note:  be sure to set up fractile assetts and make it innocuous or generic such as healthcare to avoid any conflicts with terms of service.  



Video Demonstration